Cornerstone of not only the Seller Customization umbrella of work, but also the entire Invoices product itself. A total overhaul of the buyer experience of recieving and paying a Square Invoice.
Pay Page Redesign
Product Designer

A large body of work that initially began as an effort to identify and attract more HVI's (High Value Invoicers) to the product. When establishing what the key differentiators these upmarket Sellers were looking for in an invoicing solution, we found that these Sellers highly valued customization and fine control over how their brand was being represented to returning and prospective clients.
With this insight in mind, it was determined that we would need to completely overhaul the outdated buyer experience. This included all
surfaces from inital email communications to the final payment page. To guide this large body of work, we established a few guiding principles
to guide and inform direction.
1. For buyers, paying is the priority.
2. Highlighting Seller personaliazation.
3. Everything they need, nothing they don't.
These helped drive the goals of cutting back on the ever-increasing cognitive load where possible when accepting payment,
doing a better job of highlighting Seller's established brands and likeness, as well as ensuring all the relavant information
regarding order or services are available to buyers where they expect it.
I left the company prior to full release, however 2 years later it's still the same as I left it so it must be working ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.